Before I get started on what I took from today's word brought to us by Col I have to say once again that I feel so Blessed to be given the inner joy that continues to come from deep inside. It's something I go on and on about regularly and it never fails to amaze me each time I feel it. No matter what is going on in my life, just when I begin to let it turn my head, in comes that warm feeling that reminds me 'nothing is going to happen to me that God and I together can't handle' and I trust.
Anyway, it was a strange one this morning because Col began by telling us he wasn't sure how todays service would pan out, as usual he had prayed about what he was going to say throughout the week but he wasn't at all sure that it came together as a message, it seemed all over the place. So! he decided to let God take it out of his hands and let things go wherever they went. I found this facinating and was absorbed immediatley. Imagine for a moment how much trust it would take for anyone to get on a stage in front of a hall full of people and just know that whatever happened it would be fine. Now to me that is a trust so deep it's difficult comprehend and yet I have felt something similar on this massive journey that led me to be at university at nearly fifty four years old. I should be planning my retirement for goodness sake!
Now to get back to this morning and what I took from the word for today. Fear of showing weakness can be a shackle that keeps us treading the same path day after day, putting on the brave face and telling everyone that you're doing great. But if we do that then we don't allow anyone else to feel strong even when they have taken the time to comfort us. How must that make those people feel, inadequate, useless, or worse still that their caring about us isn't important. When we think about strength our own strength is sometimes so important to us that we don't allow anyone else to get a look in, after all they might just think we're weak and we can't have that. Am I talking to myself, yes of course I am because I am probably one of the worst culprits.
When we give our life to God we receive a heart that freely loves and gives, both to God and to our neighbour but I think we can get that a bit mixed up sometimes and become convinced that we can only give strength. Jesus needed strength when he was on the cross and he put his trust in God, what bigger example do we need that we can never go it alone.
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago