The last three weeks the services at our church have been about attitude and the word brought to us by Craig and Ian has been thought provoking.
Craig talked about giving to the church, not just financially but also our time, both of which help to sustain our meeting place and the speakers who bring the word to us each week. Without finance it just couldn't happen, we would have no light, no heat, no chairs etc... The church after all is a building and buildings have to be maintained. I'm quite sure Col, our pastor would be prepared to speak to us in a field if necessary, but how many people would happily join him in worship on a freezing cold Winters morning.
Anyway, the main point Craig made was simple, basically it's not what you give in money or time but the attitude with which you give it. To give generously is to give with the right attitude, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the amount of money or time we put in. If our heart wants to give then it's a fortune but if we give grudgingly then we would be better not to give at all.
Ian talked about giving love, both to God and to our neighbour. This isn't a new concept, it's as old as it gets and the same principle applies. Do we love God and our neighbours with the right attitude? Or, do we give ourselves a pat on the back for putting in an appearance at church and only love our neighbours until they do something we don't approve of. Are we quick to judge others while choosing to ignore the fact that we are far from perfect, if so why on earth would we inspire people to visit our house or our church.
Some years ago I read a book that someone mentioned because the name of it intrigued me. It was called 'Attitude is Everything'. After reading it I tried out an experiment. The author suggested that for one week whenever anyone asked how you were you could not reply, fine, okay, so so! etc. You had to say, terrific, splendid, wonderful or brilliant accompanied by a broad smile. I had not long started working in a newsagents at the time and didn't really relish the idea of greeting people (who were barely awake) with a beaming smile and telling them how amazing I was feeling. I have to admit it was uncomfortable at first and I'll swear they muttered to each other about the nutter that now worked in the local paper shop, but by the end of the week most of the regulars were grinning as soon as they entered the shop. It was infectious and it proved to me that you reap what you sow.
Do we pray with the attitude of duty or do we pray because we love? How often do we just say "God I love you", no strings, no requests, I just love you. With the right attitude we can be in the darkest place and not succumb to despair. When we love unconditionally God frees us and fills us with His strength, peace and calm. I have been Blessed to experience the grace of God in one of the darkest places a mum can ever be and I continue to be upheld to this day. Yes, sometimes life is still hard but for me sandwiched between the negatives of the world today and the sadness of the past is a joy, peace and calm that comes from giving love to God and my neighbour.
If you sow with a grudging heart then you will live with a grudging existence and that is not what God wants for us.
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago