It’s a difficult time for the closest of families when they lose someone very dear to them, how on earth families who aren’t close cope I don’t know, maybe its easier if you aren’t close. Maybe if you haven’t been in close contact for ages you might feel a bit disconnected and therefore hurt less, who knows. We’re close but now the initial shock of losing Chris is wearing off things are not as I thought they would be, we each have our own world which we are dealing with in our own ways, we all had a unique relationship with Chris so although we all grieve, we do it in our own way and that in itself can feel very isolating.
Things that we dealt with no problem in the past can become major setbacks, and a random outburst of anger or crying is less easy to deal with now because emotionally we’re floored and have no reserves like we had in the past.
As I’ve said before, its never going to be easy but its doable, just takes time and you can’t rush that……unfortunately.
Massive sigh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago