I've talked to a number of parents who have lost their kids, they vary in age and in the circumstances they had to say goodbye to them, some of them have told me they've had signs. I've been waiting....and rather hoping I would get one.
Now then, I was driving to tesco's on Wednesday morning, I approached the traffic lights, which were on red and sat back as these one's take ages to change. Into my mind sprang a picture of Chris 'pick me nan a bag of plums' he said, I said 'I will', 'when' he said, 'tomorrow' I replied...'yeah yeah', by this time I was glancing round to see if the other motorists had noticed I was having a conversation with my rear view mirror. 'shut it you, I'm too busy today I'll pick them tomorrow' I continued. He smirked and the lights went to green. Was that a sign? Who knows, needless to say I was at my mums at 9am next morning with a massive bag of plums. Some would say its the subconcious kicking in because Chris always insisted his nan got the first delivery of plums from our tree each year.....it made me smile loads on the way to tesco's and back and has continued to amuse me ever since, so it doesn't really matter whether its a sign or not, I can now picture him and smile......thats progress.
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