We’re back on the ‘Love’ thing this week and this time Col talked a lot about loving our husband/wife/children. He really could have been talking directly to me today because my poor husband and child haven’t seen very much of me in the last month. College is all consuming at the moment and it really is taking up a lot of my time, note to myself, don’t forget you have a hubby and son. During the service Col was saying he was so very glad he didn’t become a pastor when the children were young, because he’d have missed out on spending quality time with them. A lot of his time is taken up these days with the never ending (I imagine) things a pastor does. He urged us to take time out for our children and also for our partners, it has a big effect on our kids when they see their mum and dad happily spending time with each other. Do it!! before its too late, he said. At this point Daph, who was sitting next to me got hold of my hand and she kept hold of it for ages, Bless her. At the end she put her arms around me and said ‘I really felt it for you’ I got a bit of a lump in my throat, but I was able to say to her “I’m Blessed you know Daph” and I am, because the message our Chris left for us told me I’d done it right, I can’t begin to tell you how priceless that is.
There was another wonderful thing about today; Col had been to a Catholic funeral last week, it was the first time he’d seen the ‘breaking of bread’ in a Catholic church. He was touched by the respect with which the alter boy and girl laid out the cloths and the way people went to the front to receive the bread. He then announced ‘we are going to do it different here today’ everyone listened intently, ‘we’re going to do it the Catholic way’ and instead of passing the basket and wine round we’re all going to come to the front. Well my heart leapt a bit, I used to be a Catholic and part of me feels a bit guilty that I’ve abandoned a faith that I grew up with. I don’t regret becoming a ‘born again’ Christian for one minute, but I was overjoyed that the church is now becoming so open to other faiths, what an amazingly wonderful world this would be if we all loved and respected each other, no matter what………………now that would be mega love.
I am full to the brim with pure joy today, thank you My awesome God.
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago