Sunday, 23 August 2009

Stepping out of the boat.

I haven't written about our Sunday service for a while now, but each week as I'm leaving church I do have every intention of blogging about the message for that day. However something always seems to come up and I end up not getting on here.

I'm home a bit earlier today and feel compelled to get it down in writing, regardless of the hundred things that need my attention. They can wait, this can't, because I'm feeling inspired.

William spoke today about stepping out of the boat in faith. Peter was the only disciple who experienced walking on water because he saw Jesus and asked 'Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water' and Jesus replied 'come', that was all Peter needed to step out in faith. While walking on the water his attention was diverted to the wind and he became afraid and started to sink, so he called out to Jesus 'Lord save me' and Jesus took his hand, asking 'why did you doubt'

God wants our lives to be full, challenging, exciting and rewarding, he doesn't want us to live a groundhog day, but we need to take a step out of the boat and try new things. Yes, it will be scary to move away from the comfort zone that we know so well and it might not always work out in the way we planned it to (remember my being convinced I'd be the greatest evangelist who ever walked the streets of the Wirral, and I wasn't), but if we live with a spirit of fear and doubt, we'll stay put and be convinced we can't do anything about our situation. When we live in fear we open the door to depression, stress and defeat, but if we step out and try, God will use us in ways we never dreamed were possible.

When we lost Chris it was the perfect opportunity for a spirit of fear and depression to come into my life, but it didn't, instead I was given peace and a life that continues to be full of excitement and new things. I asked God to save me and show me which direction to go and He has been my salvation. I pray that I continue to have the courage to try new things even though they might be out of my comfort zone, because when you step out of the boat in faith and try, God will hear you.

This is the day the Lord has made, be glad and rejoice in it.


  1. Amazing!!! love you loads when are we meeting up again soon I hope . Wend xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hiya hunni,
    Thank you for your comment, Bless you. I'll text you now.
    Love you lots. x x x
