Note to myself.....remember the words in the title of this blog and don't allow yourself to stay down for too long, there's nothing wrong with blips they're normal and I'd be a robot without the up and downs but I'm now seeking out the positives because I was giving myself a headache with all the whingeing.
I've decided to ask the CF unit that Chris used to go to if they would display a piece of his artwork, they were always mithering him for something he'd drawn to put on the wall in the corridor. I'm going to presume they'll say yes and start looking for an apprpriate piece, they aren't all suitable for hanging on a wall in a ward though as he did a life drawing class (insert big wink).
Being back at work and very busy has been a tonic and I'm dancing tonight....Tra la la.
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago