It’s Sunday again and I feel like getting something out of my head and into words, what’s brought it on this week?
Today’s service was mainly around healing and when ears were mentioned I was out at the front pronto because my right ear hasn’t been working for about 6 weeks now. I know it will get better I just don’t know the time and date just yet. However since I got home I’ve been thinking about God’s healing and I don’t just think it applies to fixing an ear, a back problem or anything else physical.
For years now I’ve had one or two drinks before bed (sometimes a tad more than that) and after saying goodbye to Chris last year I definitely wouldn’t consider going to bed totally sober because then I’d have to THINK and thinking is very very painful. Lately though I started to dislike the person who couldn’t quite remember going up to bed or getting up the next morning wondering what exactly I’d said when chatting late at night in cyberland. Feeling not quite top notch enough to go to the gym or clean the house started to get on my nerves where before it hadn’t bothered me one bit. So I decided to pray for release from alcohol, I asked God to help me to stop having a few drinks at night and to help me cope with the thinking that comes to a clear mind at night just before you go to sleep.
After about a week of praying on this I got up one morning a few weeks ago and knew that I wasn’t going to have a drink that night. Three weeks on I can’t believe how easy it is and after 20 odd years of having a few most nights I now don’t need it any more and I CAN think and I DO sleep.
Now that is healing.
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago