Our speaker today was Steph, she's 19 and has just completed a year at bible college, she has 2 more to do and I reckon she's going to be a brilliant at whatever she's called to do. God has no boundries you know, some might think can I really sit here and listen to a 19 year old preaching 'The Word' after all, I'm 50 odd and have seen and done it all. Steph has been in bible college exactly the same time as I've been going to Kings and do you know what, she fired me up today because she has a passion.
This past week I've been spinning plates, you know that one in the circus where you run from one spinning plate to another trying to keep every one going and panicking in case one of those plates fall and break, you feel that if you dont keep those plates up on the sticks and they fall then its somehow down to you because you could have run faster and kept it up.
Well I learned today that no matter how hard we try to keep those plates up, at the end of the day we have to stop and concentrate on our own relashionship with God and when we do that for real and live His Word we receive that peace, the one that allows us to take a step back and let the plates find their own balance.
Its not just about a Sunday, it can be Sunday every day if I want it to be, God wants to look out for us but he can't do that unless we ask him into our life and truly want him there. I'm still learning because I occasionally have times when I go off on one, today brought me back again thanks to a 19 year old. Its been said many times, God uses unlikely people and unusual circumstances, we just have to break out of our comfy place and acknowledge it.
Alpha, Church Membership, Worshipping
14 years ago