Hey you Christopher!
Drag yourself away from whatever project you have on the go up there and listen for a minute. Its the 20th of August 2008 down here, do you remember two years ago yesterday in the carphone warehouse when you got the call for your transplant and you acted like it was nothing. You got back in the queue to buy your phone eventhough we only had an hour and a half to get to the hospital. You did my head in that day, even insisting on driving us all there.
Anyway, I made you a candle to mark the actual day you got your new lungs and to thank the donor for giving us that extra time with you.

How cool is that
I'm laughing now because I know exactly what your answer would be 'Its rubbish, in fact its the stooooopidest candle I've ever seen'. Blimey it feels like you are sitting right beside me just now, I so wish you were.